Wednesday, May 17, 2006

My To-Do list

Well, firstly i just wan to say that my entry for yesterday is sucky... cause i didn't really write a good job for it... heh... might edit it again at the end of this entry. And the storm is brewing not only for X-Men 3 but for my little Princess who is irritated by the way her hair looks now... well.. i wish i can make your hair longer instantly & then u can get it re-cut by someone more apporiate... So sorry i can't make it any better...

So, first things first, I think my blogging isn't very consistent, so maybe i should make it a point to set some time to write before i sleep... heh... and i need to train for my IPPT which is next month, and start saving which i'm 100 years late, prepare for alot of other things, tidy my room which ever is it now i'm not so sure anymore.. lol... help! so many things, i think i'll just listed it down as follow:

1. Do a good job of my Blog - Maybe add in some pictures & decorate it... be more colourful cause i know i had a number 1 fan who reads it daily - wan to do the best!

2. Tidy my room, it's really messy now & my books are all over the place. Might wan to decide where my room should be now.. lol

3. Saving - it's really getting on me... i think i really need to buck up on this... i'm like forever without savings.. blame it on my never-ending line of unforseen debts...

4. Exercise regulately, I'm so easily sicked nowadays... i had never feel so weak since i left the army.. must run more, wan to get 6-pack.. lol

5. Start my travel Journel - my first trip to Genting & KL with Sweetie... plan to make a nice travel journel out of it.. heh

6. Need to plan more on my future...

Think the really most important things are getting my priorities right which now is i wan to make the best out of everyday & make sweetie's day the best everyday... heh... i think i need to sleep less & do more stuffs... give me 9 days a week but only 5 days of work.. i need the extra 2 days.. lol.. i know... i'm dreaming...

Anyway, my com is spoil again.. again.. again... i hate it... why? Everyone is so sucky... spoil already just shift the blame... i'm so sick of always being the one repairing it... i'm going to be firm this time... they are going to fix it... if NOT you guys are going to get it from ME!...

Oh well, back to study again.. guess should be time for sweetie to go Expo for her event already.. poor sweetie.. toes pain pain must take care k... i always say i wan to take care of you but yet still things happen that i cannot prevent.. feel so bad... have fun k Princess


Blogger shihuiz said...

For 1):+ write more...i start later than u but have more twrites than u......
of course...add in more pic sucks...
Fore 2):yea...pack up....and live with eunice jie jie....better.....
For 3):yea...for ur age...of couse need save!
For 4):of couse....cant bear to see u lying on bed....ur my bro..last time so strong like muscular like sick man...


3:13 PM  
Blogger MeMeMeMe said...

dear ur mei mei so sweet heh she see u sick she oso upset...
dear u very good to me already heh i very contented already

9:48 AM  

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